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Sunday, 15 December 2019


1. Courts суды:
trial Courts суды первой инстанции
common pleas courts суды общих тяжб
municipal and county courts муниципальные/городские суды и окружные суды
mayors' courts суды мэра
courts of claims претензионные суды
courts of appeals апелляционные суды/суды высшей инстанции
the State Supreme Court United Верховный суд Штата
The Federal courts федеральные суды
district courts окружные суды
the US Supreme Court Верховный суд США
juvenile court суд по делам несовершеннолетних.
2. Cases дела:
lawsuit судебный процесс
civil cases гражданские дела
criminal cases уголовные дела
framed-up cases сфабрикованные дела.
3. Offences правонарушения/ преступления:
felony тяжкое уголовное преступление
misdemeanour мисдиминор (категория наименее опасных преступлений, граничащих с административными правонарушениями)
murder преднамеренное убийство
manslaughter непредумышленное убийство
homicide убийство
rape изнасилование
assault словесное оскорбление. Умышленное унижение чести и достоинства личности, выраженное в неприличной форме
arson поджог
robbery ограбление (с применением насилия) , грабѐж ; разбой
burglary незаконное проникновение в помещение (с преступными целями) ; квартирная кража со взломом
theft/larceny воровство, похищение имущества
kidnapping похищение людей, особенно детей (с целью получить выкуп)
embezzlement растрата, хищение; присвоение (денег, имущества; обманным путѐм)
bribery дача или получение взятки, взяток
forgery подлог, подделка, подделывание (документа, денег, произведений искусства и т. д.), fraud мошенничество
swindling жульничество
perjury лжесвидетельство
slander устная клевета; опорочивание
blackmail шантаж; вымогательство
abuse of power злоупотребление властью; превышение служебных полномочий
disorderly conduct поведение, нарушающее общественный порядок; нарушение общественного порядка
speeding превышение дозволенной скорости, езда с недозволенной скоростью
petty offence мелкое, малозначительное преступление
house-breaking "взлом дома" (проникновение с преодолением физического препятствия в чужое помещение и совершение в нѐм фелонии или оставление с преодолением физического препятствия чужого помещения после совершения в нѐм фелонии
shoplifting кража в магазине
mugging уличный грабѐж; ограбление прохожего
bigamy двоеженство
treason государственная измена
contempt of court неуважение к суду
subpoena повестка о явке в суд (под страхом наказания или штрафа в случае неявки);вызов в суд (под угрозой штрафа).

Кроме вышеперечисленных нужно знать и такие виды преступлений:
Identity-related crime – преступление, связанное с использованием личных данных.
Piracy – нарушение авторского права, плагиат.
Organ trafficking – незаконная торговля органами.
Trafficking in cultural property – незаконный оборот культурных ценностей.
Environmental crime – экологическое преступление.
Phishing – фишинг, распространенное в последнее время интернет-преступление (cybercrime). Это деятельность интернет-мошенников, действующих под видом благонадежных компаний и юридических лиц с целью незаконного получения секретной информации: паролей, данных кредитных карточек, логинов и др. Слово произошло от ассоциации с рыболовством. Хакеры использовали email-приманки для «выуживания» паролей и финансовой информации из «моря» интернет-пользователей.
4. Participants of the legal procedure участники судопроизводства:
1)parties to a lawsuit стороны по делу
 claimant/plaintiff (in a civil case)истец в гражданском деле
 defendant ответчик по делу в суде, подсудимый, обвиняемый
 offender (first/repeat)лицо, впервые совершившее преступление/ рецидивист
 attorney for the plaintiff (in a civil case)адвокат, представляющий интересы истца
 prosecutor (criminal)прокурор в криминальном процессе
 attorney for defence адвокат
2) jury коллегия присяжных
Grand jury большое жюри; присяжные, решающие вопрос о предании суду
to serve on a juryисполнять обязанности присяжного заседателя
to swear the jury привести присяжных к присяге
to convene созывать, собирать (заседание, встречу);вызывать в суд
3) witnessa credible witness свидетель, заслуживающий доверия
4) a probation officerдолжностное лицо, осуществляющее надзор за условно осуждѐнными;
5) bailiff управляющий делами; поручитель; бейлиф(почетное звание некоторых судей), помощник шерифа.
5. Legal procedure судебный процесс, судопроизводство:
to file a complaint/a countercomplaint заявить; подать жалобу/ встречный иск подшить жалобу к делу 
to answer/challenge the complaint реагировать/отклонить жалобу
to notify the defendant of the lawsuit уведомить обвиняемого/ответчика о судебном разбирательстве;
to issue smb a summons направить повестку о явке в суд
to issue a warrant of arrest (a search warrant) выдать ордер на арест/на обыск
to indict smb. for felony предъявлять обвинение в тяжком преступлении
to bring lawsuit возбуждать судебное дело
to take legal actions возбуждать судебное дело;предъявить иск
to bring the case to court представить дело на рассмотрение суда
to bring criminal prosecution привлечь к уголовной ответственности
to make an opening statement выступать с вступительной речью
the prosecution судебное преследование, предъявление иска
the defence защита; to examine a witness опрашивать или допрашивать свидетеля 
direct examination первоначальный допрос первоначальный допрос свидетеля выставившей стороной
crossexamination перекрѐстный допрос (свидетеля противной стороны)
to present evidence предъявлять доказательства
direct прямые улики; непосредственное доказательство
circumstantial косвенные доказательства или улики; косвенное доказательство
relevant релевантное доказательство (относящееся к делу)
material вещественное доказательство; существенное доказательство
incompetent не принимаемое судом доказательство; недопустимое доказательство
irrelevant не относящееся к делу доказательство
admissible допустимое доказательство; показание, допустимое в качестве доказательства в суде
inadmissible не принимаемое судом доказательство; недопустимое доказательство
corroborative подкрепляющее доказательство
irrefutable неопровержимое доказательство
presumptive опровержимое доказательство
documentary письменное доказательство
to register выражать
to rule out отклонить
to sustain поддерживать
an objection возражение
circumstances обстоятельства
aggravating отягчающее
circumstantial побочные
extenuating смягчающие
to detain a person задержать/арестовать
detention заключение под стражу
to go before the court представать перед судом.
6. Penalties or sentences штрафы и меры наказания:
bail залог Освобождение под залог допускается в период между арестом подозреваемого [suspect] и судом, а также до вынесения приговора [sentencing] или до рассмотрения апелляции - как гарантия явки подсудимого в суд в нужный момент. Восьмая поправка [Eighth Amendment] к Конституции запрещает устанавливать "чрезмерный залог" [" excessive bail", Bail Reform Act of 1966 ].
Институт залога основан на презумпции невиновности [" innocent until proven guilty"],
to release smb on bail освободитького-л.под залог
to bring in (to return, to give) a verdict of guilty/not guilty признать виновным/невиновным
a jail sentence приговор к краткосрочному тюремному заключению
send smb to the penitentiary/jail отправить в заключение
to impose a sentence on smb вынести кому-л.приговор
to serve a sentence отбывать наказание (по приговору суда)
a penitentiary term = a term of imprisonment срок тюремного заключения 
(life, from 25 years to a few months imprisonment от нескольких месяцев до 25 летсодержания под стражей);
hard labour каторжные работы, каторга
manual labour ручной труд
probation пробация (вид условного осуждения, при котором осуждѐнный остаѐтся на свободе, но находится под надзором сотрудника службы пробации),
to be on probation быть на испытании 
to place an offender on probation приговорить осуждѐнного к испытательному сроку,
to grant probation/parole освободить условно-досрочно
parole временное или досрочное условное освобождение заключѐнного из тюрьмы
to release smb on parole условно-досрочно освобождать под честное слово
to be eligible for parole иметь право на условно-досрочное освобождение; подлежать условно-досрочному освобождению.
7. A court room зал судебного заседания:
the judge's bench место судьи в зале для заседаний
the jury box скамья присяжных
the dock скамья подсудимых
the witness’ stand/box место для дачи свидетельских показаний в суде
the public gallery места для публики
1.      Match the words from the brackets to the sentences. Translate from English into Russian.

( Murder , Kidnapping, Burglary, Mugging, Pickpocketing, Arson, Robbery, Manslaughter, Smuggling, Shoplifting.)

1.Gary Miller forced a girl to go with him. He demanded money from the family of the girl to free her.
2. Felix Fuller takes people’s wallets from their pockets.
3. Andrew Campbell shot his neighbor 3 times in the head.
4. Ben Evans stole a lot of money from the bank.
5. Arthur Farrell set fire to his friend’s house.
6. Alan Brown was drunk and ran over a pedestrian. Unfortunately, the pedestrian died immediately.
7. Greg Davis was caught with 50 pounds of caviar in his ship.
8. Gordon Wilson stole some candies from the shop.
9. Ernest Yould climbed into his neighbor’s apartment, and stole all the valuables from it.
10.Dustin Ward waited for a man in the street, hit him in the face, and ran off with his wallet.

2.      Complete the sentences. Translate from English into Russian.

1.      Setting fire on purpose is …..
2.      Forcing sex on someone is ….
3.      Killing someone on purpose is …
4.      Threatening to reveal secrets/demanding money is …
5.      Killing someone accidentally or through negligence is ….
6.      Stealing in general is ….
7.      Stealing from bank/shop with force/violence is …
8.      Breaking into a home to steal is ….
9.      Stealing money in your care is …
 Stealing     goods from a shop is …   

3.      Read through the descriptions of the crimes, then choose the name of the crime for each. Write the letter of the crime (A-H) for each. There are two crime names you do not need.

H Burglary

1.      Several cars were damaged last night downtown, and graffiti was sprayed on the walls of the Town Hall.
2.      The money, $27,000 was taken from the safe by two men carrying guns and wearing masks. Police have no clues as to who committed this crime.
3.      The young lady, age 21 from Paris, was caught with 3 t-shirts in her bag which she hadn't paid for. She was immediately arrested.
4.      The upstairs bedroom window was smashed and the TV was taken, as well as the stereo, video recorder and $1700 in cash.
5.      The pilot was knocked unconscious and the plane was taken over by four women who demanded political asylum in New Zealand.
6.      The men were discovered in their home with a printing press and over 10,000 almost perfect copies of the new $10 bill. 

  The form o f the US government is based on the Constitution o f 1787, adopted after the War o f Independence. A “constitution” in American political language means the set o f rules, laws, regulations and customs which together provide the political norms or standards regulating the work o f the government. The document known as the Constitution o f the United States, though a basic document, is only a part o f the body o f rules and customs which form the whole o f the American Constitution. Supreme Court decisions, interpreting parts o f the US Constitution, law
regulations, customs arc part o f the basic law (the so-called live constitution). Most historians regard the US Constitution as an essentially conservative document. The US Constitution consists o f the Preamble, seven articles and twenty seven amendments, the first ten of them called collectively the Bill o f Rights and adopted under the popular pressure in 1791. When the Constitution was first proposed in 1787, there was widespread dissatisfaction bcausc it didn’t contain guarantees of
ccrtain basic freedoms and individual rights. The Constitution consolidated those gains o f the revolution that were advantageous for the capitalist class. Significantly, nothing was said about the elementary bourgeois democratic freedoms. In December 1791, the Congress adopted ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill o f Rights. The Bill enumerated what the government controlled by the oligarchy was not
going to be allowed to do. It was, o f course, an important democratic gain for the people at that time. But nowadays some o f these ten amendments are relatively unimportant.
  The Bill o f Rights is sometimes violated by the judicial and law enforcement practice.
Americans feel that o f all the freedoms proclaimed in the Constitution only one freedom — freedom o f enterprise is in fact guaranteed.
If there is no freedom to work, no guaranteed labour, you face unemployment and poverty. The main freedoms after all a man needs are a life o f security, a guaranteed incomc and guaranteed health carc.
“live constitution” — «живая конституция»
what the government controlled by the oligarchy was not going to be allowed
to do. ...что правительству, которое контролировалось олигархией, не разрешалось делать.
упр.3 переписать и перевести на русский язык (фото на почту)
1. A “constitution” meaning in American political language the set o f rules, laws, regulations and customs provides the practical norms and standards regulating the work o f the government.
2. The US Constitution consisting o f the preamble, seven articles and twenty seven amendments was adopted in 1787.
3. Being made up by the privileged class the US Constitution o f 1787 didn’t contain bourgeois democratic freedoms.
4. Having been proposed first in 1787 the Constitution faccd widespread
dissatisfaction bccausc it did not contain guarantees o f certain basic freedoms and individual rights.
5. Having no guaranteed labor, guaranteed incomc and health carc the working man is guaranteed inequality.
6. Being aimed at preserving the advantageous position o f the ruling class the US Constitution o f 1787 said nothing about the elementary democratic freedoms when it was first proposed.
упр 4 используйте Пассивный залог вместо Активного. переведите предложения на русский язык(фото на почту)
In December 1791, the Congress adopted ten amendments to the Constitution. ( активный залог)
Ten amendments to the Constitution were adopted by the Congress in
December, 1791.(пассивный залог)
1. They said nothing about the elementary bourgeois democratic freedoms in the Constitution o f 1787.
2. The Constitution o f 1787 bases the form o f the US government.
3. The judicial and law-enforcement practice sometimes violate the Bill of
4. They proposed the Constitution first in 1787.
5. Most historians regard the US Constitution as an essentially conservative document.
6. The privileged class made the Constitution for themselves.
7. The ruling class aimed their constitution at preserving their interests.
упр 5 найдите и выпишите русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
свод законов, правил, постановлений и обычаев;
считать конституцию США, по существу, консервативным документом;
документ, принятый в 1787 году и дополненный поправками; принять конституцию (закон);
широко распространенное недовольство;
элементарные буржуазно-демократические свободы;
нарушать Билль о правах;
свобода предпринимательства;
сталкиваться с безработицей и бедностью;
гарантированный заработок;
гарантированная охрана здоровья.
 упр 6. напишите какое из утверждений верное, а какое нет используйте следующий фразы

I quite agree with it ....(я согласен(-на))
I don’t agree with it ....(я не согласен(-на)

1. The form o f the US government is based on the Constitution o f 1787,
adopted after the War o f Independence.
2. The Bill o f Rights is often violated in the USA.
3. The US Constitution is regarded as a democratic document by most
4. The privileged class made the Constitution for the working people in 1787.
5. A life o f security, health carc, income arc guaranteed for all the people in America by the Constitution o f the USA.
6. The US Constitution was adopted in 1787 and then was added by
7. The US Constitution consists o f the Preamble, seven articles and twentyseven amendments.
8. The people in America were not satisfied with the Constitution o f 1787 bccausc it didn’t guarantee certain basic freedoms and individual rights.
упр 7 заполните пропуски согласно тексту, переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1. A “constitution” in American political language means ... which provide the political norms regulating the work o f the government.
2. Lobbyists in the USA are very often more ... than the Congressmen
3. The US Constitution consists o f . . . .
4. When the Constitution was first proposed in 1787, it didn’t contain
guarantees o f certain basic freedoms and individual rights, so there was ....
5. The Bill o f Rights is sometimes ... the judicial and law-enforcement practice.
6. You ... if there is no guaranteed labor.
7. A man needs the main freedoms that is guaranteed ....
упр 8. ответьте на вопросы(письменно)
1. What docs a “constitution” in American political language mean?
2. What is the US Constitution aimed at? Why?
3. What docs the US Constitution consist of?
4. Why was there widespread dissatisfaction among the people when the
Constitution was first proposed in 1787?
5. What did this dissatisfaction among the people lead to (result in)?
6. Was the adoption o f the Bill o f Rights an important democratic gain at that
7. What arc the main freedoms a man needs?

Check your vocabulary: multiple selection – collocations (verb + noun) Circle the two verbs which can complete each sentence.
выберите два  правильных  варианта и переведите предложения на русский язык
1. The UK holds / has / makes an election every five years.
2. Every registered person over 18 years old can place / give / cast a vote.
3. Politicians from different political parties sit / stand / run for election. 4. Politicians campaign to get / win / take votes and public support.
5. Politicians throw / have / hold debates with their rivals, sometimes on TV.
6. Every person's vote can play / get / have a big role in deciding who leads the country.

Criminal Justice process in the USA

   Basically, the steps in the criminal court processes arc as follows: arrest and booking, arraignment, trial and appeals (if any).
  A person who comes into contact with the criminal courts must initially be arrested. The arrest may take place with or without using a warrant (e.g. when an offense takes place in the prescnce o f the officer, or when there is probable or reasonable cause to believe that a felony or misdemeanor has been committed. A felony is a serious offense punishable by death or imprisonment. A misdemeanor is a less serious offense punishable by a fine or up to one year in jail, or both). Even after
an arrest the suspect may be released without being prosecuted for a variety of reasons: mistaken identity, lack of proper evidence, etc.
  After the arrest is made, the suspect is booked. The booking card o f the law enforcement agency contains information such as the date and time of arrest, the charge or crime for which the person was arrested, the name of the arrested person, the name of the arresting officcr. Here the accuscd is photographed, fingerprinted, and temporarily released on bail, if possible.    The record or booking card is permanently kept in the files of the police department. On important cases, the prosecutor may be present at the booking, but usually he will enter the ease during the arraignment or initial appearance of the suspect before a magistrate or other judicial officer.    Before turning to the prosecution of the suspect, it must be remembered that the investigative work of the policc may continue even though the
accused is involved with the prosecution or court phases o f the criminal justice system.
  At arraignment, summary trials can be held for petty offenses without further processing. During the initial appcarancc before a magistrate, judge or justicc o f the peace, the accuscd is to answer the chargcs against him. During the arraignment procedure, the charge may be dismissed by the court for a legal reason or the prosecutor may request to have the chargcs dropped. The initial appearance may also serve as the trial for minor offenses that have payment of a fine or a relatively short time in jail as punishment. Oncc the judge finds a verdict of guilt, the accuscd is
sentenced to jail or payment of a fine. The defendant may also be placcd on probation for a specified length of time. If sentenced to jail, he may be granted parole.
  The purpose of preliminary hearing in the lower court is to determine whether there is a reasonable cause to believe that a felony was committed and whether there is a reasonable causc to believe that the accuscd committed the crime. It is here that a preliminary testing o f the evidence takes place. As a result the accuscd may be released because 
of having been arrested not for probable causc, or he may be placed
on bail or moved back to jail until his case is tried by the higher court.
  If there is a reasonable belief that a crime has been committed the accuscd, the prosecutor is given statutorily defined number of days to file formal chargcs against the defendant. The charge is filed on the basis o f information from citizcn complaints and police investigations.
  Then another arraignment is held. If the defendant pleads guilty a date for him to be sentcnced is set by the judge. If the defendant pleads not guilty, he may request to have a jury trial or be tried by the court without a jury. At the trial, if the defendant is convicted, a date for sentencing is set.
   Before imposing the actual sentence an investigation by the probation officer takes place to assist the judge in deciding on a penalty. The defendant may be fined,sentenced to jail, or placed on probation. During  this period the defendant can appeal his conviction. As a rule, the appeal stays the execution of the sentcncc. If the appeal is unsuccessful or the defendant decides not to appeal, the penalty is imposed.
   The defendant is then involved in the corrections of the criminal justice system. It is here that rehabilitation of offenders is supposed to occur. This is the purpose of correctional establishments.
To reduce the risk of convicting an innocent person, there are checks and
reviews at all stages of the criminal justice system.

(Law Enforcement in a Democratic Society, E. Beckman)

a magistrate — магистрат; судья полицейского суда
justice of the pcace — мировой судья
have the chargcs dropped — прекратить дело
once the judge finds a verdict o f guilt — как только судья выносит
обвинительный приговор
is supposed to occur — как полагают, происходит

Ex. 1. Find English equivalents in the text: ( найдите в тексте следующие слова и выражения)

уголовный процесс; обвинение; судебное разбирательство; обжалование; произвести арест; ордер; совершить тяжкое преступление; тюремное заключение; подозреваемый; правоохранительные органы; обвиняемый; снимать отпечатки пальцев; картотека; упрощенное судопроизводство; мелкие правонарушения; суд низшей инстанции; слушать дело; подвергать уголовному преследованию; признать себя виновным; суд присяжных; вынести приговор; определить наказание; осудить условно; передать на поруки; перевоспитать; исправительные учреждения.

Ex. 2. Give Russian equivalents:
Переведите на русский язык

I. law; by-law, law-breaker, lawyer, law enforcement; lawful; to make laws; to obey laws; to enact laws; to pass laws; to violate laws;

II. to prevent; to prevent offenses, prevention of crime; preventive; preventive measures; a preventive war,

III. crimу; a criminal; a criminal case; criminality; a criminological study, to commit a crime; to reduce crimc; to eliminate crimу.

Ex. 3. Find synonyms among the following words: 
Дайте синонимы следующим словам:

law, purpose, period, to force, a criminal, verdict, to define, aim, to obtain,
penalty, duty, offense; evidence; to formulate, term, to get, punishment, to break, crime, offender, sentcnce, to violate, to oblige, cause, statute, obligation, reason, proof.

Ex. 4. Translate the following groups of words: 
Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык

criminal justice proccss; trial court arraignment; law enforcement: agencies; police investigations; citizcn complaints; a jury trial; a police department file; an imprisonment sentcncc; an arraignment procedure; a higher court trial; a ten-pound fine; a five-hundred dollar bail; a dead body identification; prosecution or court phases.

Ex. 5. Complete the sentences with one of the words given below,  Закончите предложения, употребив слова из скобок, переведите на русский язык
(misdemeanor, released, summarily, chargcs, evidence, parole, fine, guilt, convicted, trial, felonies, booking, rehabilitate, appeal, charge):

1. There can be no conviction unless the ... of the defendant is established.

2. After making the arrest the officer may conduct a “limited” search for ... of the guilt o f the person.

3. During the arraignment procedure the ... may be dismissed.

4. If a judge finds a verdict o f guilt, the accused is sentenced to jail or
payment of a ....

5. In some jurisdictions there is no separate preliminary hearing for
misdemeanors and ....

6. At the ... a date for sentencing is set.

7. The procedure o f... includes photographing and fingerprinting.

8. A person chargcd with a petty offense can be tried ... .

9. The purpose o f corrections is to ... offenders.

10. The procedure o f prosecutions for a felony is the same as for a ....

11. If the defendant is ... at the trial the date for sentencing is set.

12. The defendant can ... his conviction before the actual sentence is

13. Even if the defendant is sentcnccd to jail, he may be granted ....

14. During the arraignment the judge ... the accuscd with a specific crimc.

15. The accused may be ... at the preliminary hearing if there is no
reasonable cause to believe that he committed the crime.

Ex. 6. Say what it is: 
Завершите предложения словами подходящими по смыслу и переведите на русский язык

1. A formal order given by a judge or a prosecutor to arrest a person is
called ....
2. The decision of a court made after the trial o f a defendant is callcd ....
3. A fine, imprisonment or probation — all these arc different types of ....
4. A sum o f money paid by the person arrested for being released until the trial is called ....
5. If a person breaks the law or violates public order it means that he
commits a ..
6. All facts and things that must be presented to court to prove the guilt of
the accuscd arc callcd ....
7. If a person is convicted and the penalty is not a fine or imprisonment but placing him under control of a spccial police officcr it means that a person is placed  ... .
8. If a person pleads not guilty and docs not agree with the scntcncc he may file an ....
9. A panel usually consisting o f 12 persons to hold trials is callcd ... .

Ex. 7. Give your definition of the following: 
Завершите предложения  и переведите на русский язык

1. The accuscd is a person who ...
2. A criminal is a person who ...
3. The defendant is a person who ...
4. The suspect is a person who ...
5. The convict is a person who ...

Ex. 8. Answer the questions on the text:
Дайте ответы на вопросы по тексту.

1. What arc the steps o f the criminal justicc in the USA?
2. In what eases may an arrest be made without a warrant?
3. What is a felony?
4. What is the punishment for a misdemeanor?
5. May the suspcct be released without being prosecuted? In what cases?
6. What docs booking include?
7. Where docs booking take place?
8. In what eases arc summary trials held?
9. What is the purpose o f preliminary hearing?
10. Who files formal charges against defendants?
11. When is a date for sentencing set?
12. What arc the types o f punishments?
13. What is the function o f the probation officer?
14. When can the defendant appeal his conviction?
15. What is the purpose o f corrections?
16. What is done to reduce the risk o f convicting an innoccnt person?

Ex. 9. Translate into English:
Переведите на английский язык.

1. Уголовный процесс имеет следующие стадии: арест и регистрация, привлечение к суду, предварительное слушание, предъявление обвинения, судебное разбирательство и обжалование.
2. Арест должен производиться на основании постановления (ордера).
3. Тяжкое преступление — это преступление, наказуемое смертной
казнью или тюремным заключением.
4. Менее тяжкое уголовное преступление — это преступление, наказуемое штрафом или тюремным заключением до I года.
5. После предварительного слушания лицу предъявляется официальное обвинение.
6. На стадии привлечения к суду обвинение может быть отклонено.
7. Если обвиняемый признает себя виновным, устанавливается дата
вынесения приговора.
8. После судебного разбирательства обвиняемый может обжаловать
9. Обвиняемый может быть осужден только судом.
10. Подозреваемый может быть временно отпущен под залог.
Physical Evidence
   The finding, collecting and preservation of physical evidence are the most important phases in a criminal investigation.
   Physical evidence is of value only if it helps prove a case or clear a suspect. The most valuable evidence may be worthless if inefficiently handled. In general, the term “chain of evidence” may be defined as the documentation of every article of evidence, from the point of initial discovery at a crime scene, to its collection and transport to a laboratory, its temporary custody and its final disposition. Within this context, it is natural that:— the admissibility of the information derived from any article of evidence be directly proportional to and fully dependent on the manner and precautions taken to ensure that the evidence presented to a court has been protected; — there be no viable alternative to a strong chain of evidence. It is not always possible to know whether or not an object has evidential value until it is analyzed. For example, one is generally unable to see all the details in a shoe imprint until a cast has been made and that cast; compared with the shoe. In collecting any object of possible evidential value an officer should keep in mind the importance of the following:
1. The possibilities of fingerprints being found on it.
2. The chances of certain pieces of microscopic debris, such as hair, blood, paint, fibres, etc., adhering to it.
3. How that article should be removed, marked, packaged and transported.
  Physical evidence is something that is concrete, something that can generally be measured, photographed, analyzed, and presented as a physical object in court.
   Circumstantial evidence is a specific circumstance. For example, a suspect might be accused of burglary, and the shoes he is wearing are proved to have made certain impressions found at the scene of a crime. The shoes and the imprint are physical evidence, while the fact that the suspect was wearing the shoes when arrested is circumstantial evidence. Someone else could have worn the shoes at the time the burglary was committed, therefore that type of evidence is circumstantial.
   If there are witnesses, the investigator needs corroborative evidence; if there are no witnesses, the entire case must often be proved through physical evidence alone. Alone piece of evidence, because of its great intrinsic value and the impossibility of being duplicated, may be sufficiently important to warrant a conviction — for example, a fingerprint. At other times it may be a combination of a number of articles of physical evidence, none of which are conclusive, that proves the case.
The intrinsic value of physical evidence often depends on its location. A hat on one’s head has little significance but if it is found beside a murder victim it might become of great importance.
  There is no such thing as a perfect crime, a crime that leaves no traces  there is only the inability to find the evidence.
    When the investigating officer arrives at a crime scene it is necessary that he should first protect the scene and prevent anybody from touching any object. The preliminary survey is to acquaint the investigating officer with the entire scene and its important details. After he has completed his preliminary survey the photographer may go to work. It is important that the investigator should accompany the photographer, pointing out various objects of possible evidential value. He should note possible location o f latent prints (invisible prints), and guard against contamination of such objects and surfaces. After the general scene has been completely photographed, the officer with casting equipment casts all possible imprints, if such are present, and then the fingerprint man should work on various objects. He should also note movable objects where fingerprints may be found, and should carefully remove them to a safe place
for dusting and developing later. As the fingerprint man completes his work, the investigator may go to work thoroughly searching the scene of possible evidential value. As evidence is found, it should be marked, carefully packaged, each article separately, and placcd in some locality where it will not be destroyed or contaminated, until it is transported to a laboratory.

(“Scientific Investigation and Physical Evidence”, L. V. Jones)
none o f which are — ни один из которых
conclusive — here: убедительный

Ex.1. найдите синонимичные пары
to look for, to analyze, a possibility, custody, latent, impressions, a picture, a dactyloscopic expert, to search for, an article, a criminal, a probability, to examine, imprints, a photograph, preservation, invisible, an item, a fingerprint man, a perpetrator.
Ex.2. найдите эквиваленты
доказать дело, снять подозрения с подозреваемого, ценные вещественные доказательства, сделать слепок, косвенные улики, кража со взломом, убийство, подтверждающие доказательства, предварительный осмотр места происшествия, изъять предметы, уничтожить или загрязнить улики, осматривать место происшествия в целях нахождения отпечатков пальцев, жертва, доказывать дело лишь с помощью вещественных доказательств, оберегать место происшествия, закончить предварительный осмотр, отметить расположение отпечатков пальцев, дактилоскопист, обработать порошком, промаркировать улики, упаковать улики.
Ex. 3. образуйте все возможные словосочетания
prints (скрытые, видимые, невидимые, пластичные)
evidence (вещественные, косвенные, прямые, подтверждающие,
fingerprints (найти, обработать порошком, проявить, подделать) evidence (искать, измерять, извлекать, разрушать, загрязнять, собирать)
the scene o f the crime (осматривать, охранять, фотографировать)
Ex. 4. закончите предложения, используя слова в скобках: (circumstantial, value, a cast, examined, the preliminary survey, to clear, contamination, to prove, marked, fingerprints, gathering, removed, corroborative, to protect).
1. Physical evidence is of value only if it helps ... a case o r ... a suspect.
2. The first phase in handling physical evidcncc is ... all potential evidence at the scene of a crime.
3. If a shoe imprint is found at the crime scene, ... should be made and
compared with the shoe.
4. ... may be found on any object of possible evidential value.
5. No article should be moved or touched until it has been photographed
and ... for fingerprints.
6. If there arc no witnesses, the investigator needs ... evidence.
7. The first responsibility of an officer is ... the crime scene.
8. The investigating officer should prevent ... of objects which may bear
9. After being photographed objects where fingerprints may be found
should be carefully ... from the scene.
10. When the fingerprint man completes his work, the investigating officer
should examine the scene for articles of possible evidential....
11. All evidence found at the scene of a crimc should be ... and packaged
carefully and transported to a laboratory.
12. The aim of ... is to acquaint the investigator with the entire crime scene and its important details.
13. Besides physical and corroborative there is also ... evidence.
Ex. 5.прочитайте и скажите верно или неверно утверждение, если неверно исправьте:
1. The investigator always knows whether or not an object has evidential
2. The investigator should handle objects at the scene o f a crimc with great care.
3. Objects from the crimc scene should be removed and then photographed and examined.
4. Physical cvidcncc is something that can be presented in court as a
physical object.
5. Circumstantial cvidcncc has no absolute evidential value.
6. A lone piece o f evidence is always enough to prove a case.
7. Corroborative evidence is needed when there arc no witnesses.
8. On arriving at a crimc scene the officer should first remove objects of
possible evidential value.
9. The investigating officer’s duty is to protect objects which may bear
10. The aim o f the preliminary survey is to note the location o f separate
11. As articles o f evidential value arc found, they should be transported to a laboratory.
12. The investigator should prevent evidence from being contaminated.
Ex. 6. ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What arc the most important phases o f a criminal investigation?
2. Why should an officcr keep in mind that any article on the crimc sccne
should be handled with great care?
3. What docs the term “chain o f evidence” define?
4. What types o f evidence do you know?
5. What is physical evidence?
6. In what way is circumstantial evidence different from physical evidence?
7. When is corroborative evidcncc very important?
8. What is the first responsibility o f an officcr at a crime scene?
9. What is the aim o f preliminary investigation?
10. How should the investigating officer conduct the examination o f the
crime sccne?
11. What should be done with physical cvidcncc found at a crimc scene?
Ex. 7. Read the definitions and give the name o f the corresponding actions or notions. 
1. All articles found at the scene o f a crimc which help prove a ease arc called ....
2. The prints o f the hands left by a criminal on objccts which he touchcd
during the commission o f the crime arc called ... .
3. The process o f observing the whole o f the crime scene and noting the
location o f its objects is callcd ....
4. The process o f using special powder to develop latent prints is callcd ....
5. A person who can give information about the crimc or the criminal is
called a ....
6. An imprint left by the criminal which cannot be seen without special
techniques is callcd ....
Ex. 8. Explain what is:
1) physical evidence;
2) circumstantial evidence;
3) corroborative evidence;
4) a fingerprint;
5) a latent print;
6) contamination o f evidence;
7) the preliminary survey.
Ex. 9. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Следователь должен собрать всe вещественные улики на месте
2. Во время предварительного осмотра следователь знакомится с
местом происшествия и его деталями.
3. Цель вещественных улик — обеспечить доказывание.
4. Полицейский должен обеспечить сохранность места происшествия.
5. Каждый преступник оставляет следы.
6. Предметы на месте преступления нельзя трогать, поскольку на них могут быть отпечатки пальцев.
7. Все предметы, на которых могут быть скрытые отпечатки, следует осторожно изъять с места происшествия.
8. Если есть отпечатки обуви, с них следует сделать слепки.
9. Все вещественные улики, найденные на месте происшествия,
должны быть промаркированы, упакованы и отправлены в лабораторию.

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3-rd year

  Civil and Criminal Law